Who am I?

You may be wondering who I am, and to know about it, you would have clicked on that About link.

Now you are stuck, you know it. Better you admit; stuck in this loop of knowing Who I am!

Let me tell you one thing: I am a human and a simple guy who lives a simple life with his family.

Lets now get to the topic!!!

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Welcome to my digital diary!

I’m Arunkumar, your resident storyteller, memory maker, and word weaver. By day, I’m a Project Manager, but when the sun sets, I morph into a microblogger and a webpage design enthusiast.

Here in my blog, you’ll find a mishmash of personal tales, memoir snippets, bite-sized musings, and even some haikus sprinkled in for good measure.

Picture this: cozy up with a cuppa, scroll through my micro-writings, and let my hikkus (that's haikus, '90s style) whisk you away to another dimension.

From heartwarming anecdotes to introspective reflections, my blog is a treasure trove of human experiences. So, dive in, get lost in the words, and maybe even find a piece of yourself in the stories I share.

Ready for a journey through the corridors of my mind? Let’s embark on this adventure together!

Stay curious, stay inspired, and stay tuned for more tales from yours truly.


Email me at art.arunbhat@gmail.com

Follow me on NeoCities:AkGB